
发布时间:2016/10/14 作者:小歪


高频part3问题:Why do women want to get married ?



1. 繁衍后代。而因为卵巢分泌有时间期限,所以女人会比男人更急着想结婚

2. 婚礼对于女人有不可抗拒的魅力

3. 社会因素。传统观念认为相夫教子是女人的职责。


1. Women want to have babies before their ovaries stop functioning, while men have virtually no expiration date on their fertility. As a result, women want to solidify a family partnership earlier than men.     

2. Women want a wedding more than men.

Girls read stories about a prince. This gives a good impression to young girls that having an affair is a beautiful thing to do, having a partner is a beautiful thing to do and marriage is the end result for this beautiful thing.So from a very young age, girls dream of the day whenthey will be a beautiful bride.

3. There's also a social factor behind it - a woman with a happy family is highly appreciated in our society, even as of today. You might have heard that - behind a successful man there is a woman .  



1. Women want to have babies before their ovaries stop functioning, while men have virtually no expiration date on their fertility :

女人想要在卵巢停止分泌卵子之前生育下一代, 而男人则基本上在任何年龄都可以生育。

2. This gives a good impression to young girls that having an affair is a beautiful thing to do, having a partner is a beautiful thing to do and marriageis the end result for this beautiful thing:

童话故事给女孩子留下的印象就是:爱情是美好的, 爱人是美好的, 婚姻是所有幸福事情的成果。

3. From a very young age, girls dream of the day whenthey will be a beautiful bride:


4. There's also social factor behind it - a woman with a happy family is highly appreciated in our society, even as of today:


