· 不重视雅思单词积累
· 单纯刷题
get less, slow down → diminish
change in color → discoloration
undo → disconnect
stop → discontinue
because → due to the fact that
indigestion → dyspepsia
raise → elevate
urge → encourage
try → endeavor
too much → excessivefeel
help, ease → facilitate
can be done → feasible
basic → fundamental
groundless → unfounded
needless → unnecessary
until → until such time
use → utilize
produce → generate
backing, promise → guarantee
risky → hazardous
damp → humid
funny → humorous
same → identical
picture → illustration
harm → impair
free → independent
useless → ineffectual
check, hinder → inhibit
first → initial
change → innovation
tool → instrument
set up → institute
aim → intention
stop → interrupt
change → modification
notice → notification
food → nutrient
duty → obligation
remark → observation
note → observe
event → occurrence
chance → opportunity
plan → project
suited → qualified
know, accept → recognize
get well → recuperate
restore → rehabilitate
feeling → sensation
many → several
how bad → severity
like → similar to
likeness → similarity
excite → stimulate
last → ultimate
clear → unequivocal