
发布时间:2018/06/19 作者:小贵贵



  所以,我们平时要多多积累学习输入input - ideas, lexical resource, logic, grammatical structures, 然后要多多输出使用output - practice, practice and practice.  

  考官:Do you think it's better for children to grow up in the city or the country?

  考生: 表达观点-I think the perfect solution is to live in the countryside close to a major cultural centre, by which I mean a big city. 递进观点- This means that the child can enjoy all the pleasures of country life - the farm animals, the fresh air, the relative safety - while at the same time not being too far from all the fun that can be had in the city - musicals, kids' museums, zoos. 原因-Kids need to be exposed to a wide range of situations and settings, and experiencing just the city or just the countryside is limiting.


  solution 解决方案

  be close to 离…近

  enjoy all the pleasures of …享受…的快乐

  be exposed to 接触

  a wide range of 大范围的

  settings 各种环境

  limiting  局限的

  考官: Why do some people retire to the countryside?

  考生: 第一观点- I suppose they crave the peace and quiet after a lifetime of hard work in the hustle and bustle of the city. 递进第一观点- In fact, in the modern imagination, I think the city is associated with work and the country with relaxation. 第二观点- Of course, when people get retired, they tend to return to nature, 举例支持- such as doing some farm work, keeping flowers, and admiring natural landscape. 结果-So, the countryside is a perfect place for them to enjoy the rest of their life.


  crave the peace and quiet 渴望宁静

  a lifetime of 一生的

  the hustle and bustle 喧嚣

  be associated with …和…联系在一起

  tend to 往往

  return to nature 回归自然

  do some farm work 做农场工作

  keep flowers 养花

  admire natural landscape 欣赏自然景色

  考官:With the rapid development of technology today, do you think we still need books in the future?

  考生:Yeah, I'd say we most definitely do, because if you think about it, books have been in existence for hundreds of years, and through them, we've been able to pass on knowledge from generation to generation. And I'm pretty sure this will continue to be the case, because I mean, information which is stored through other means, for example electronically, can disappear or get lost very easily, whereas a book is a real object which is a lot easier to preserve over time. So yeah I'd say it's pretty certain that we'll still need them in the future.


  if you think about it,… 你想想,…

  have been in existence for hundreds of years 已经存在了上千年了

  pass on knowledge from generation to generation 一代一代的把知识传下去

  continue to be the case 仍然这这种情况

  be stored through other means 通过其他方式储存起来

  get lost 消失

  over time 随着时间的流逝

  考官:Why are some people seemingly better at learning languages than others?

  考生:It's true that some people seem to pick up languages really easily(现象)。 Being bilingual from a young age certainly helps because the more languages you speak, the more easily you acquire a new one(第一原因)。 Another major factor is motivation: two people can study the same materials for the same number of hours but the person who is more motivated will learn more and remember better what they've learnt(第二原因)。 I really believe that the more you care about learning a language, the more effortless you will pick it up(第三原因)。


  pick up languages 学习语言

  be bilingual 会说两种语言的

  acquire a language 学会一门语言

  motivation 学习积极性

  motivated 积极的

  care about 关注

  effortless 轻松自如的/容易的

  考官:Does the responsibility for protecting the environment lie with governments or with individuals?

  考生:In my view, the responsibility lies with all of us(表达观点)。 However, individuals, at least in my country, aren't taking action of fixing the environment, and nor are businesses; they are just out to make a profit(递进观点)。 Therefore, it falls to governments to force people to be more green(结果), for example by fining companies that release toxic waste into our rivers, or incentivising us to recycle(举例支持)。


  lie with someone 是…的职责

  take action of 采取行动

  fix the environment 治理环境

  make a profit 赚取利润

  fall to … 责任落在…身上

  green 环保的

  fine 罚款

  release toxic waste 排放有毒废物

  incentivise 激励

  recycle 重复利用/回收再利用

  考官(Part3): Why do people often feel proud of where they come from?

  考生:People feel the need to belong, to a club, to a family, to a group of friends, to a region, and to a country. Where you come from is tied up with so many other things that it says an awful lot about you, and it is of the utmost importance in defining who you are. For example, it affects what you eat, what languages you speak, and how you behave towards others. Being proud of where you are from is therefore an extension of being proud of who you are.


  feel the need to 觉得需要…

  belong to 属于

  a sense of belonging 归属感

  be tied up with 和…密切相关

  an awful lot 很多/非常多

  be of the utmost importance 极其的重要

  define 定义

  extension 延伸

  be proud of 为…感到骄傲自豪




