
发布时间:2018/05/21 作者:小贵贵


  1. 我接受写对环境的影响,但不接受对经济的分析,因为缺乏证据。

  2. outweigh的题目必须明确回答你的偏向。

  3. 继续建议大家在题目中有比较级出现的时候,你的论证也要有相对应的内容。

  Task2: In many countries, people can eat a wide variety of food that are grown in other areas. As a result, they eat more food produced in other regions than local food. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

  There is a much greater variety of food available now, thanks to improvements in refrigeration and transportation. This has led to people consuming less locally produced food and showing more preferences for food grown in other places. In my opinion, the change in food choices may do more good than harm.

  The most worrying consequence of long distance transportation is about food safety. In order to keep fruit and vegetables fresh for several days and even weeks, the use of chemical preservatives is inevitable, which has been scientifically proved to be harmful to the health of consumers. This is even worse when people begin to increase their frequency of purchasing food products traveling thousands of miles from the place of production to their dining tables. However, the health-related concern can be minimized by the continuous advances in science and technology, such as shorter shipping duration or more healthful methods of food preservation.

  On the other hand, I strongly believe that the benefits of the increasing popularity of exotic foods are far more significant. Firstly, there could be an improvement in the level of health of the general population, because the availability of a wider range of fruit and vegetables provides a balanced diet. For example, if people living in northern latitudes or coastal regions have access to tropical fruit all year round, sufficient vitamin intake will be ensured more easily. In addition, as the range of food choices expands, the level of happiness will certainly rise. It is always pleasant for people to eat almost whatever they desire, especially those beyond the reach of their local area.





