
发布时间:2018/05/17 作者:小贵贵



  Describe a comic actor in your country.

  Who the person is

  I'm going to talk about 岳云鹏 who is one of the most famous and popular comic actors in my country. Although he has a face for radio, he's a super hit star today and has a huge following, including me. In fact, he's a cross-talk show comedian. What I wanna say is that every time I watch his performance on TV or online, he's able to crack me up.


  How you know this person

  It was a couple of years ago when 岳云鹏 showed up in Chinese spring gala for the very first time. At the moment, he gave us a wonderful performance of crosstalk show on the stage. While I was watching it, I couldn't help laughing all the time. He definitely left me a deep impression.

  What comedies he/she performs

  Well, as I said before, he mainly performs crosstalk show which is a form of Chinese traditional ?art. Actors are using their language, facial expressions together with talent shows to make people laugh. It's something like stand-up comedies in UK I've watched before.

  And explain why he/she is popular

  What makes him so popular is that he's got a good sense of humour. Let's say, every time he speaks on the stage, the audience will burst into laughter. He's absolutely a barrel of laughs. ?One other thing is that he's got a variety of facial expressions. For example, he's super good at pulling a funny face. So, it's easier to understand why he's a big star in my country.  


  1. have a face for radio 其貌不扬

  2. a super hit star 很火的明星

  3. have a huge following 有很多追随者

  4. a cross-talk show comedian 相声演员

  5. crack me up 让我捧腹大笑

  6. facial expressions 面部表情

  7. have a good sense of humour 很有幽默感

  8. burst into laughter 开怀大笑

  9. a barrel of laughs 满肚子笑料的人

  10. pull a funny face 做鬼脸





