
发布时间:2018/05/14 作者:小贵贵


  提醒:如果整篇文章都没能回应directly的话,TR分数很低。如果没有例子来对应“improve people's life"的话,TR分很低。

  Arts (painting and music) do not directly improve people’s life, so governments should spend money on other things. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  For some people, arts are not as useful as other major aspects of living. Therefore, they suggest that the government should only invest in the latter. In my opinion, the government ought to spend money on material and spiritual needs of citizens because they can both directly make their life better.

  Citizens would not be satisfied with their life if the government failed to fulfil its responsibility for providing various vital services. For example, building more and better infrastructures, such as broader roads or more easy-to-reach local sports facilities, is of great significance for everyday existence. In other words, people who enjoy these convenient and sufficient public services can live a comfortable and healthy life. What is more, the government is also responsible for creating a society where access to healthcare service and education is guaranteed so that people can stay healthy and have better job prospects.

  However, arts should also be financially supported by the government as such an investment is able to improve people’s quality of life in a direct way. For example, if public places, including parks, squares, bus stations and beaches, are decorated with creative artworks, people living nearby or frequently visiting those places can be spiritually satisfied by appreciating paintings and sculptures, which is helpful to combat pressure from everyday life and work. In addition, supporting students to engage more in art-related programmes helps stimulate their creativity and ability to express themselves, which in the long term will assist them to be academically qualified to be admitted by prestigious universities, ultimately providing them with a promising career prospect.





