
发布时间:2018/03/28 作者:小贵贵


  当季雅思口语题库中有一道难倒了千万考生的题目:describe an important river or area of water in your country。大家纷纷表示不知道,不了解,不会说。



  Describe an important river or area of water in your country

  you should say

  how long the river is

  where it is

  what it looks like

  and explain why it is very important. 


  Well, first of all, I have to say that this is a really difficult topic for me, coz I've never been very interested in geography. When we were learning about different rivers and lakes in high school, I never paid attention. I guess I'm paying the price now.

  Um, I'm going to talk about a lake called 青海 Lake, which is quite well-known in China. Many people go there to enjoy the views, because it's quite beautiful. Honestly, I have no idea how big or long it is, because like I said, geography has never been my strong suit. I only vaguely remember it's the biggest salt lake in China. I hope I'm correct, haha.

  This lake is located in the northwest of China, in 青海 Province. I'm from Beijing, so if I fly there, it takes about 2.5 hours, approximately. I've been to the lake once, so this is part of the reason why I'm talking about it. Last year, in October actually, I was feeling under so much pressure from work and so I felt depressed every day. It was a miserable time and I was suffering pretty badly. One day, my boyfriend told me that he had booked two plane tickets to 青海 and we would go there for the weekend. I was quite surprised, but pretty delighted that I could get away from it all. We went there and um … well … we went to 青海 Lake and just enjoyed the views - the spectacularly beautiful views. It was quite breathtaking and we took a lot of photos. That trip to the lake was really enjoyable. 

  Why this lake is important … well, I'm not sure what makes this lake important to my country, but to me, it partly helped me recover from depression. When I came back from the trip, magically, I felt much better and um … much more motivated to work … 


  pay the price 付出代价


  strong suit 强项

  vaguely remember 模糊地记得

  approximately 差不多,大约

  under pressure 有压力

  depressed 抑郁的

  miserable 糟糕透的


  get away from it all 短期旅行

  spectacularly beautiful=breathtaking 非常美丽的

  magically 神奇般地,奇迹般地

  motivated 有动力的


