
发布时间:2018/03/26 作者:小贵贵



  Task2:Some people believe that the newspaper is the best way to learn about news. However, others believe that learning about news through other media is more effective. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  Our access to the latest news has become incredibly easier thanks to the development of technology, the internet in particular. Although reading newspapers is still important to some people, I believe that other media, such as TV and the internet, are far more effective in informing users of what is happening around the world.

  On the one hand, there are two main reasons why printed newspapers are still popular. Firstly, what readers get from newspapers is more accurate and authoritative because traditional news publishers are strictly supervised by the government and employ professional editors to ensure the quality of their services. In comparison, rumors and even fake news are everywhere on the internet where almost everyone is able to post information. The other reason for the popularity of the old-fashioned news channel is the easy availability. This is especially important to elderly people who are not able to or reluctant to learn using electronic devices, making newspapers the only option for them to learn about news.

  On the other hand, I agree with those people who predict that digital forms of news will sooner or later take the place of newspapers. Such prediction is based on the fact that news is forwarded via e-mail or updates on social media sites only one or two minutes after it really happens. As a result, subscribers of TV news programmes or web-based sources are hours and even days ahead of newspaper readers, which allows them to make better decisions when finalising an investment or preparing for coming hurricanes. Apart from the merit of timeliness, modern news platforms also help people to effectively access what they need by providing insight analysis over reported issues. For example, CNN and BBC hire a large number of experts to make their reports go deeper into a murder case.



