
发布时间:2018/02/11 作者:小贵贵


  在剑桥雅思口语考试第一部分,考官最常问的就是你喜欢这个吗?你喜欢那个吗?大多数中国考生在口语考试是只知道说 like,不都知道第二种喜欢的表达方式,你可以想像吗?中国考试雅思口语评分成绩是5.26分,世界排名倒数。可见不光我们考试思想枯竭,而且词汇匮乏,简直了!!!你们是不是开从本质上,基础上,能力上,提高一点点呢?那么如果提高呢?从关注波波老师新浪微博开始:@波波老师-学为贵

  考官:  What's your hobby?

  考生:This is no one thing I am fanatical about. I have various interests. I am a keen cook and I love to create new dishes and then invite my friends over to taste them. I love playing cards, especially uno. Most of my friends are crazy about Karaoke and I go with them from time to time but it's not really my type of thing.


  be fanatical about 着迷

  a keen cook 热衷于做饭的人

  create new dishes 创作新的菜品

  invite friends over 邀请朋友来我家

  be crazy about  热衷于

  from time to time 时不时的

  it's not my type of thing 这不是我喜欢的事

  考官: What's your favourite musical instrument?

  考生:I would have to say the piano. I am not a big classical music fan on the whole but I do love a bit of piano. It's the emotion that it can express that fascinates me, the way man and instrument become one and the pianist gets lost in music.


  a big classical music fan 古典音乐迷

  on the whole 总的来说

  fascinate me 让我着迷

  man and instrument become one 人琴合一

  get lost in 沉迷于

  考官:Do you prefer action films or comedies?

  考生:Neither really. If I had to choose between them, then I'd pick comedies, but what I  really like is horror films, especially those involving ghosts. I enjoy getting a good fright.


  If I had to choose, then I'd …虚拟语气

  What I really like is … 主语从句

  关注波波老师新浪微博@波波老师-学为贵 学习更多雅思口语知识,提分方法和地道英语!



