雅思口语必背句:old people

发布时间:2017/11/20 作者:小贵贵

  学为贵雅思培训项目部提供: 雅思口语必背句:old people。

  本文是学为贵雅思口语名师杨帅老师(新浪微博:@杨帅口语-学为贵)发布的《雅思口语写作必背句:old people》,希望对大家的口语备考有帮助!


  1. My granddad is in his 70s now and he’s a benevolent man.

  in one's 70s 七十多岁了

  benevolent 慈善的、乐善好施的

  2. It was my grandma who taught me the value of honesty and politeness. I’m truly thankful to her.

  the value of … …的价值

  honesty 诚实

  politeness 礼貌

  be truly thankful to sb 真诚感谢某人

  3. Old people lived in more difficult times and have been through a lot more than we have.

  go through sth 经历…

  go, went, gone/been

  4. Elderly people are an asset in our society because they can pass down so much knowledge and wisdom to young people.

  asset 有价值的人/物

  pass sth down to sb 使…世代相传

  wisdom 智慧

  5. One benefit of living with older people is that they can take care of children while the parents are at work.

  take care of sb 照料某人

  at work 在上班

  6. There have been some programs put in place to enable senior citizens to learn and acquire new skills.

  put sth in place 实施…、执行…

  program 项目

  enable sb to do sth 使某人能够…

  senior citizens=elderly people=old people

  acquire sth 获得…

  7. As the society begins to age, certain problems such as a smaller workforce are bound to emerge.

  age v. 变老

  workforce 劳动力

  be bound to do sth 一定…

  emerge 出现


