雅思口语native speaker答案:reading

发布时间:2017/11/18 作者:小贵贵

  学为贵雅思培训项目部提供:雅思口语native speaker答案:reading。


  今天帅哥给大家分享一个关于reading的回答,我们今天再来看三道native speaker的答案。大家反复朗读,学习语言和思路,然后自己练习回答一下。


  What kind of books do you like to read?

  I mostly like to read biographies. I'm not sure why but it is interesting to read about people's real lives, especially when they have had interesting lives and have had to deal with many problems. I do read fiction as well, but I often find it difficult to get hold of a book that I really like. I also like reading books to do with current affairs.


  Do you read the same kind of books now that you read when you were a child?

  Not really, no. Actually I didn't read that much when I was a child, but if I did it was mainly fiction books, such as fairy tales. Things like The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Fantasy things.


  When do you think is the best time to read?

  I think any time is ok, but when I read I like to concentrate, so I can't read for a short time like on a bus ride like some people do. I like to put time aside to enjoy it. So if I have some free time at the weekend I might read for a few hours. And I nearly always read before I go to bed - this really helps me to sleep.


