雅思口语P2 新题:为保持健康做的事情

发布时间:2017/10/15 作者:小歪

针对雅思口语Part 2 新题:为保持健康做的事情这个话题,你有哪些不错的素材呢?这里我们就一起看看学为贵的朱国伟老师为我们分享的内容吧~

雅思口语Part 2 新题:为保持健康做的事情

Describe something or activity you do to stay healthy

You should say :

What the activity is ?

When and where you often do it ?

How you do it ?

And explain why it can keep you healthy ?


1.I'd like to talk about Crossfit,which is a competitive fitness sport.

Generally speaking,Crossfit is a kind of sport that combines intensive aerobic exercise and weightlifting moves.It's very popular recently.

2.I have practiced it for like 2 years.There's a crossfit box nearby my home.The box is the place where Crossfiters train,actually,it's just like a gym,where you see rowing machines,treadmills,barbells and dumbells,sort of things.

3.I go there 3 times a week.Sometimes,I meet my friends there,who also practice corssfit,as it's a convenient location to meet.For most time,I train with my friends.Since Crossfit is a competitive sport,it's more fun to train with others.I also have a trainer,who was a former professional Crossfiter.

4.Doing crossfit regularly brings some health benefits.It can build up muscles,burn fat,boost metabolism.Well,i can give you a long list of benefits.What's more,it cultivates teamwork spirit,since some moves require team effort.

I enjoy this game.



