雅思口语Part 3 语料:参观博物馆的好处

发布时间:2017/04/27 作者:小歪


雅思口语Part 3 语料积累(参观博物馆的好处):

Part 3 questions.

1. What are the benefits of visiting museums?

2. Should parents take their children to museums?

From the topic: 'Describe an historical event','Describe a museum you visited ','Describe a science subject'.



1.Local museums are some of the best places to learn more about your area’s history.Nothing truly beats the idea of being able to first-hand experience the treasures of the past.


Local museums are some of the best places to learn more about your area’s history:本地的博物馆是人们学习当地历史最好的地方。

first-hand experience the treasures of the past:直接的去体会过去发生的一切。


2.Museums also do a great job of engaging the viewer in ways that increase a person’s likelihood of wanting to learn more.Visiting a museum could spark an interest in a field of study,one might never have appreciated before.


Museums also do a great job of engaging the viewer in ways that increase a person’s likelihood of wanting to learn more:博物馆可以提供身临其境的学习环境,从而增加参观者的学习欲望。

spark an interest in a field of study:激发在某一领域的学习欲望。


3.For children,it’s a great tool to enhance their own education and knowledge.A lot of museums offer interactive displays that really help people get such a better understanding of the message the exhibit is offering.


For children,it’s a great tool to enhance their own education and knowledge:对于孩子来说,博物馆之行可以扩大他们的知识面。

interactive displays:互动展示

help people get such a better understanding of the message the exhibit is offering:帮助人们更好的理解展品所传达的信息。


