雅思口语P 3 语料:让你的父母骄傲

发布时间:2017/03/15 作者:小歪


Part 3 语料积累(如何让你的父母为你骄傲)

Be proud of someone related Part 3 questions

How to make your parents proud? 

What can children do to make their parents proud?

From the topic 'Describe a family member that you are proud of '.




1. 熟读下面的段落,直到你可以脱口而出。

2. 打黑体字的部分可以单独放在你想说的话中。灵活使用这些素材可以大大的提升你说话的质感。

3. 在实战中,应结合自己的实际语言水平去使用。不要强求自己去说拗口的词语。保证流利度对于各位来说至关重要。

4. 看完请在留言处打卡。坚持就是胜利。

1. Try your hardest at anything and everything - show your parents that you're not slacking off.You should have an enthusiastic attitude towards everything,which will get you a lot further than you may think.


Try your hardest at anything and everything:做任何事情都全力以赴。

slack off:偷懒

You should have an enthusiastic attitude towards everything,which will get you a lot further than you may think:在做所有事情的时候都要保持一个积极乐观的态度,这会让你走的更远。

2. You don't have to do exactly what they say,but at least try to take their ideas into account.Don't let them take over you,but make sure you at least 'show' them that you are considering their suggestions.


You don't have to do exactly what they say,but at least try to take their ideas into account:你不需要对你的父母唯命是从, 但至少你要去考虑下他们的想法。

3. You should keep within the rules - whether at school, work,or the law.Before you do something,always think whether it's the right thing or not,and if your parents would be proud of you.


You should keep within the rules - whether at school, work,or the law:做一个守规矩的人, 不论是在学校, 公司, 还是在其他的地方。


4. Try to be a good person at heart.Be as generous,nice,and thoughtful as you can.


Try to be a good person at heart.Be as generous,nice,and thoughtful as you can:从心底里做一个好人。让自己变得更宽容, 友好, 善解人意。


5. Don't be so immature that your parents constantly have to keep an eye on you.It's great to have fun,but you should know when to stop and be responsible,trustworthy and reliable.


Don't be so immature that your parents constantly have to keep an eye on you:成熟起来, 不要让你的父母一直为你揪心。

you should know when to stop and be responsible,trustworthy and reliable:在有些时候, 你要变的有责任感, 值得信任, 而且靠得住。



