
发布时间:2017/02/15 作者:小歪

雅思口语PART3:关于组织能力 Organizing Ability,这里学为贵波波老师和大家分享原创高分素材,看看这样的观点你怎么说吧~


考官?:Do you think some people are born with an ability to organize?

考生?: 表达观点-Yeah, I suppose some people are. 递进观点-And I mean, I think it’s the same with everything really. People are born with all kinds of talents, and I guess organizing is one of those things. 举例支持观点:You know, some people are born with musical talent, some people are born with artistic talent, and likewise, some will be born with an ability to organize. 个人经历:And take me for example, I do actually have a few friends who seem to be naturally good at organizing stuff, cos as far as I know, they’ve never taken any classes on it or anything, but they’re just really good at it.

考官?: How can people develop their organizational skills?

考生?: 表达第一观点-I suppose they can do it in a number of ways, one of which would be to learn from people who are good at it. 举例支持第一观点-So in other words, like, ask them how they do it, and pick up good habits from them. So it could be from their teachers, their classmates, anyone they know really. 表达第二观点-And if they don’t know anyone good at it, they could, I guess, read a book on it, you know, find some books about it. 举例支持第二观点-I’m sure there are loads out there. 表达第三观点- Alternatively(要不然的话), they can go on a crash course(上速成班). So, these would be the ways, and then just practice!






