
发布时间:2017/02/09 作者:小歪

今天学为贵薛老师帮大家从剑4Test1section1&2的听力原文中摘了几个比较好的口语表达(虽然剑4是比较旧的一本书了,但是里面有些表达还是闪烁着bling bling的光芒哒~~~),希望大家能够自觉牢记且运用到口语话题当中。

剑4Test1section1&2 听力原文:
“Section 1 : .......And where’s the optional visit? It’s to the American Museum - well worth a visit1............Or, have a word with my assistant; her name is Jane Yentob.......

Section 2 : To start your visit I’m just going to give you a brief account2 of the history of the museum before letting you roam about on your won3. I won’t keep you long. OK?..........Water was the main source of power for the early industries and some of the water wheels were first established in the twelfth century, would you believe? At that time, local craftsmen first build an iron forge just behind the village here, on the bend in the river4. You won’t need that because you’ve got your group booking, but just past it are the toilets - always good to know5 where they are........”


be well worth a visit口语中有个高频话题是描述一些风景名胜的,在说到这个地方值得一去的时候用some place be well worth a visit妥妥的。例句:Kenting, the southernmost place in Taiwan, is well worth a visit.垦丁,台湾最南部的地方,确实值得一去。(这句话的前面或者后面都可以balabala的去描述垦丁或者你想要描述的那个地方的美腻)

2.brief account=brief introduction 在口语中(尤其是在做presentation的时候)大家是不是经常会说I’d like to give a brief introduction about balabala.....这个时候可以适时的根据你所介绍的内容可以把introduction换成account,至于account是什么意思?请参见《听力考点词真经》第二章第一个单词

3.you roam about on your won导游带你玩儿的时候先是给你讲解然后让你自己参观吧,那么这个roam about就是溜达闲逛也就是wander的意思了,比如说Describe a time when you feel surprised to meet someone, Describe a long journey/short trips you would like to make a again, Describe a tourist site (not from your city) you have been to这些话题都可以用到啊!!!

4.on the bend in the river这个短语的核心词在于bend:弯曲,这个词好啊,既可以形容风景又可以形容人。风景No.1:There’s a sharp bend in the road.急转弯;风景No.2: All most all the Gothic windows have graceful bends几乎所有的哥特式窗柩都有美腻的尖拱。人No.1:He has a bend of the back.驼背啦;人No.2:Head bends, she was much intent on sth. 她低着头,专心致志的做着某事儿

5.always good to know 还是很高兴知道什么 例句:In such things it's always good to play it safe.处理这种事情还是稳妥些好。这个表达很好用不仅仅局限在good to know,还可以是good to show/work/sb. 多好的表达~~~




